Medical Board Leadership Education
Our mission with this leadership module is to:
Equip the board to work together cohesively in leading the organization to the successful completion of the organization’s mission. Give the Board the tools needed for supporting the Executive Director and being good stewards of the resources entrusted to the organization for effective community change. Ensuring effective planning and enhancing the organization’s public image.
• Developing leadership skills
• Impacting internal and external customers
• Supporting the ED
• Being good stewards of the resources entrusted to the organization
• Being the change agent for life in the community
ED/CEO Evaluation and Development
How does the Board of Directors evaluate an Executive Director/CEO? What criteria should be used for evaluation? How do you develop an ED/CEO to maximize her potential? This course will help the Board of Directors come up with a customized plan to evaluate the ED/CEO. It will also help to create a customized training plan to put into place an education package and training that will leverage the ED/CEO’s current skill set for maximum impact in the position and the community.
Program Overview
ED/CEO’s Evaluation and Development program consists of pre-visit assessment, onsite training and follow-up consultation.
1) On-site training to be 3+1 days
a) Shadow the ED/CEO and build time management plan
b) Prioritize organization needs and create customized implementation structure
c) Develop strategies for team integration and cohesiveness
d) Organization timeline and long term planning
2) Distance Consultation
a) Pre-visit phone assessment, session length TBD
b) Leadership coaching calls x3, 1 hour per session
3) ED/CEO Evaluation and Development Making Objectives
a) Participants will be able to learn day to day operations of the PMC
b) Participants will build a plan for their personal day to day activities
c) Participants will evaluate existing PMC practices
d) Participants will determine how to optimize day to day operations
e) Participants will define their temperament and temperament of team
Each ED/CEO Evaluation and Development student will receive the following certificates:
• Certificate of Completion
The following materials are necessary to complete the training program. These materials are included in the fee set forth below.
1) Pre-onsite reading to include 1 book
2) 1 Course manuals (additional manuals can be purchased)
3) 1 Course test manuals
The following fees for ED/CEO Evaluation and Development training:
1) Participating Clinic
a) ED/CEO Evaluation and Development fee of 3,200.00 plus expenses includes:
• Training for your ED/CEO
• Training at clinic’s location with training tailored to clinic’s specific needs
b) A $1,600.00 deposit is required to schedule training.
2) Expenses include
a) Air fare for training staff
b) Accommodations for training staff
c) Rental car for training staff
d) Per Diem for training staff
*We wish to provide quality training to all medical clinics who desire to work with our team. Please call for consideration of special circumstances in determining a final fee.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our services, please contact Connie Ambrecht (702) 925-8737.
Board of Directors Course List