Toward that end, Sparrow Solutions Group publishes the PMC Advisor, an e-newsletter filled with practical advice and strategies to equip leaders of pregnancy medical clinics.
Sparrow Solutions Group understands all that is at stake for the local PMC and is committed to educating, equipping, and empowering individuals and teams involved at the local level. Sparrow Solutions Group trains both medical and non-medical personnel, as well as their board members, in how to insure the highest quality of patient care is being provided.
Additionally, our experts offer industry-standard training in areas of governance, marketing, human resources and management, fund-raising, etc. so that all services and activities are above reproach.
Our Divisions
We offer courses and services in the following areas
Sparrow Leadership
Equips leaders to change communities, whether EDs/CEOs, board members, or in other positions
Sparrow Sonography
Equips medical professionals to perform ultrasound exams with excellence
Sparrow Support
Relieves PMCs from the tyranny of the urgent, enabling them to work smarter, not harder