This article is not for everyone.
It may not be what you want to do, are called to do, or have a desire to do. The PMC who may benefit from it, and our upcoming series, would be those who’ve said the following:
I wish we were busier.
I wish my time was spent totally on what we do best.
I wish I knew how to draw women to us. I wish we had more patients referred to us.
I wish…what?
What do you wish for when it comes to the number of women seen in your clinic?
The Sparrow Solutions Group (Sparrow) team serves all types of PMC’s, and this series is going to address what it means to mainstream your clinic. It is intended for those who desire to serve more clients and capitalize on their medical skills.
Mainstreaming might contribute to answering another question we’ve heard in our circles.
“What is on the horizon for the life-affirming industry? I feel change is in the air, but I’m not sure what it is.”
Mainstreaming may be it. You may find that if you mainstream your PMC, you’ll be just what you’ve envisioned. Maybe you didn’t know what to call it, and now it has a name.
What is mainstreaming?
Let’s begin with a definition by
“Mainstream medicine: Medicine as practiced by holders of M.D. or D.O. degrees and by their allied health professionals, such as physical therapists, psychologists, and registered nurses. The term ‘mainstream medicine’ implies that other forms of medicine are outside the mainstream.”
And according to Google Dictionary, the definition of a clinic (outpatient clinic or ambulatory care clinic) is “a healthcare facility that is primarily devoted to the care of outpatients. Clinics can be privately operated or publicly managed and funded, and typically cover the primary healthcare needs of populations in local communities, in contrast to larger hospitals which offer specialized treatments and admit inpatients for overnight stays.”
To launch this series, which will cover many topics impacting your patient care platform daily, we will first cast a vision. Imagine if EVERY medical office in your community, who received calls from women thinking they’re pregnant, asked, “Have you been to (fill in your clinic name) first for confirmation?” Imagine how many women you’d see —“at risk” women. Imagine expanding your “at risk” categories to include topics for the contemporary woman. Imagine being “the place” to come for pregnancy confirmation, decision support, and referrals. Imagine the community impact you’d have!
Mainstreaming can provide a path for exactly that. Can your team embrace a plan of action that puts you in this strategic position? A plan that includes your clinic serving every pregnant woman in your immediate community and the other counties within your reach.
As the leader, does it fit your dreams?
By embracing the concept that every young woman has cultural risk factors for termination, it is easy for those in the trenches to find value in welcoming EVERY woman that wonders if she’s pregnant. It takes donor education for them see beyond those you have typically targeted for care. Help others see that in the current culture, the abortion-determined patient is not afraid to share her surgical solution. The abortion-minded patient is not afraid to “make a plan” to terminate. She’s not afraid of the consequences. Imagine the donor support if they get a glimpse of starting EVERY pregnancy with a life-affirming message.
At Sparrow, we work with many who target the abortion-minded in their advertising. It’s through that work that we have challenged ourselves and others to mainstream medical thinking.
Mainstreaming your clinic doesn’t mean removing your life-affirming stance.
It actually strengthens it.
Mainstreaming your clinic doesn’t mean removing your faith based approach to healthcare.
It actually strengthens it.
Mainstreaming your clinic positions you to be seen and recognized in the community as a valuable partner.
In fact, with time, THE most valuable.
Since 2002, our organization’s goal has been to develop courses and to teach in such a way that encourages students and clinics to exceed the minimum medical and legal standards. In this edition, Kari Haug, RN, BSN, our Director of Nurse Operations, addresses the topic of supererogatory and its meaning. She will share how being supererogatory, going above and beyond medical standards, in the PMC is critical to your mission. We know you’ll like it, because it’s what you strive to be!
This series will include topics on mainstreaming covering what we see on the ground with you.
Some of the topics are:
We look forward to sharing this series with you as we develop various topics that are a part of your daily work. You and your team will be educated and able to consider more deeply if mainstreaming is for you. At Sparrow we have had a mainstream approach since the beginning. This is evidenced by our approach to hands-on sonography training—going above and beyond medical and legal standards. Many of you have benefitted from our mainstream methods in your imaging department since you began your sonography services.
If you want to speak about this approach or share how you’ve accomplished it, or maybe write an article related to your clinic’s accomplishment, please call us at 702-556-1102 or email inquiries to We’d love to hear from you.
Founder & CEO
Sparrow Solutions Group