Trust—Currency and Scripture


Trust—we all have our view of it, our definition of it, our experience with it. We can all relate to two contrasting viewpoints related to it: “I believe everyone is trustworthy until proven otherwise,” or in contrast: “trust no one until they prove they are trustworthy.”  In between these descriptions is every variable possible.

When it comes to our work place we believe it is safe to say that we all agree; trust is a value we hold in high priority. While we might see it differently based on our temperament and experiences, trust has a place for each of us. We enter every interaction with our trust scale set.

It would seem likely that in addition to our temperament and experience, each of us enters an encounter from a faith perspective. What does our faith say about trust?

Trust is used 170 times in the NIV. It has 15,200,000 listings on the internet. Who knew there was so much related to trust?

Proverbs 3:5-6New International Version (NIV)trust1

I can’t lean on my own understandings…why? because it’s not without blemish. …He will make our paths straight. What more could we ask for?

From Exodus to Revelation trust is covered from God’s perspective. The book of Psalms is filled with words of trust—trust in the Lord your God, trust in Him at all times, in God I trust and am not afraid, I put my trust in you, and I trust in your word—just to share a few.

Looking again at trust there are is a list of considerations from Psychology Today for you as a leader to utilize. Whether you serve as Executive Director, Nurse Manager, Clinic Manager, Director of Client Services, or Volunteer Coordinator, you may want to ask yourself, as well as team members, if the following “10 Trust Currency quiz for Leaders” are part of your leadership process.

A Trust Currency Quiz for Leaders:

  1. Ideas are shared freely in this department; contribution, collaboration, innovation, and cooperation thrive.
  2. Victim thinking, finger-pointing, and negative storytelling are infrequent.
  3. People own their mistakes or errors and quickly correct them without prompting.
  4. Best performers stay while others self-select; the performance bar is high and personal accountability is a norm.
  5. There are few surprises. People keep each other and me up to date and informed. Regular feedback and dialogue is commonplace.
  6. Healthy conflict, grounded with best-of-self behaviors like integrity, ethics, and big-team thinking prevails.
  7. People like each other and show care and concern for one another, even volunteering to pitch in when others need assistance, without needing to be asked.
  8. Deadlines are regularly met; people can count on each other to keep their commitments or be informed if something needs to shift.
  9. People volunteer to take on new assignments or be involved in projects, regularly putting in extra effort to achieve personal and organizational goals.
  10. People do great work around here because they enjoy what they do, have pride in their work, and are self-engaged.

The list above could be used in a variety of places. Topics in a basket to be selected at lunch and discussed, a team meeting conversation starter, or an organization retreat format. Our team can help, or you can determine how it can be implemented next week.

Building trust can be a good thing for team members. It is also good for patients. It may be beneficial to use the list above to consider how patients are treated. Get specific examples for team members and use it to establish how you believe patients would be allowed to share at the time of their visit.

It was with your team in mind we began, it is with you patient in mind that we end. Trust is clearly an important part of patient care as well as team development.

Connie Ambrecht
Founder and CEO
Sparrow Solutions Group


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