2013…What’s In the Making?

Happy 2013 to you and yours! How many times have you said those words in the past couple of weeks?  We’ve said it and we can see it.   How do you see a Happy 2013?

At Sonography Now, we did our strategic plannning for 2013 and we are convinced it is going to be a Happy Year, yes a Happy 2013 indeed for us and our training partners.

We have been building our learning website and from your responses you are loving it!

We appreciate your reports of “Great job on the webinar, I can apply the info immediately” or “Beneficial information, can I call you with a few questions?”, or better still, “Thanks for the webinar topic, I just had one of those last week!”

For those of you who are graduates, remember you can get to the webinars after the fact and to those who are asking about memberships to the Learning Library…call us at 702-925-8737.

Get connected to monthly webinars for

  • CEU’s
  • Leadership training
  • and “being in the know”

So yes, we can see your smiling faces as you call us and ask…can you help me?  We believe we can and we look forward to talking with you soon.

Living with purpose,


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