As an education company, some may wonder what do we do to stay educated.
In the past month, I have personally been to 3 different conferences to keep SN up to date. Seattle for the SDMS (Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography) Denver for CLA Academy, and Nashville for Care Net.
At the SDMS, the highlight was an attorney who was our main instructor at the Instructors Tutorial, at CLA Academy the highlight was Human Resource education that left some in the PMC world thinking they had some things that needed to be redone, and then at Care Net along with teaching a session on abnormal findings in the PMC the event always serves as chance to learn from all of you what your needs are.
Thanks for visiting us if you were in attendance! webinars are planned to share this information with you; Oct 17, 2012 “Imaging the Abnormal in the PMC” (Care Net course), Nov 2012 “SDMS Update Related to Education” and CLA Academy and how it fits SN as an organization.