HI, We’ve had a few new things in May; an “Enhancement Grant” with Focus on the Family in Ontario Califonria, building our Registry Prep Program, participating in 3D Training at Samsung Medison! The Enhancemelnt Grant was the first of it’s type offered through OUP. While we have provided the Intermediate Course for years, what made it unique was the Focus on the Family OUP provision. We know sonographer sneed ot continue to build skills and this was a wonderful event to do so. 10 RN sonographers and 6 different PMC’s were in attendance. Next we’ve looked agian at our Registry Prep Program, becasue we know many of you deisre to be a registered sonographer. Call to get these details. Special note: we had ourfirst RN take the hands-on course who had already completed the PHysics portin of the registry so she’s half way there and she jsut completed her hands-on! It builds so much credibility. Finally, taking the 3D course at Medison. Some of you may think…”Why does it take 3 days ot learn 3D? Simple: Technique. Proper applilcation of 3D imaging is more than the “cute baby face” that many like to see. There are sonography techiniques used to get that face rendering. All of the above will mean better services for you! Keeping you posted, Connie
FYI; I leave for Haiti tomorrow night on a red eye flight out of Vegas with Hope Imaging. www.hopeimaging.org