Who doesn’t need resources?
Businesses need human resources, non-profits need financial resources, communities need natural resources, and each of us needs resources daily to survive, a combination from the list above. When it comes to pregnancy, the resources needed include but are not limited to: pregnancy testing, monthly medical care, prenatal vitamins, formula, clothing, relaxation time, preparation time, baby items such as a car seat, a crib, season appropriate clothing…on and on it goes.
In serving pregnant women specifically, there are typically two types of organizations that can help them most—a facility with resources, or material assistance and one with medical services. The material assistance can be secured in many communities in multiple locations. Churches sometimes have a store room with supplies of various things like meals and some clothing items. Organizations like Catholic Charities provide material assistance in immeasurable ways. Food pantry’s provide food items for these young families and many times end up having other material items available to young moms.
When it comes to medical services for pregnant women, that is another need all together, with a unique set of skills needed in the culture of today.
Health care in America has come under much scrutiny in recent years. Insurance companies, providers of all types, and patients have all levels of experiences with the difficulties of getting plugged in to a system that will help each one. For those women in a community who are in need of finding out if they are pregnant or not, the first thing they need is a pregnancy test and second, confirmation of the pregnancy by way of an ultrasound. The pregnancy test provides verification of a positive test, and the ultrasound actually confirms the pregnancy.
Sounds simple enough, right?
Well, the reality is, even those two simple steps require a physician. The young woman can get a pregnancy test at the local bargain store like Dollar General, but she cannot confirm the pregnancy without a physician ordering the ultrasound. This simple need, confirmation of pregnancy, is what can get her plugged into our Medicaid system, local Community Health Clinic, or hospital based pregnancy care program. Who does such a service? A pregnancy care center or PCC, some refer to themselves as a pregnancy care medical clinic or PMC, that’s who! The best part—their services are complimentary.
In working with many PCC clinics, our firsthand experience is that these pregnancy care clinics or PCC’s play an important role in communities across America. They get patients started on prenatal vitamins early in their pregnancy (5-8 weeks), they provide education on nutrition and hydration early in pregnancy, they educate on the importance of prenatal care and give referrals for care, they provide consultations related to medications and/or recreational drug use. The time they invest in each woman they see is from 1 hour up to 10 hours, depending on the patient’s request for follow up with the nurse and other team members. All complimentary, remember. This investment in the community is almost invaluable, but we know medical services have a value. It is invaluable to have the PCC care for women of child bearing age in such a way that regardless of the woman’s chosen path—carry to term or abortion—the PCC is there for her.
The PCC can see the patient faster than the physician’s office, and since the services are complimentary, it is clearly a win-win situation. In order to support such organizations in your community, research the local Pregnancy Care Center and find out what their greatest need is…it might be just what you have to offer!
Connie Ambrecht
Founder & CEO
Sparrow Solutions Group
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